Do you remember the song "Ball of Confusion" by The Temptations? I sure do. It was the summer of 1970 and I was a sassy 15 year old high-school student wearing a purple, fringed, beaded, leather pouch tied to the beltloop of my bell-bottom jeans. I was playing pinball in one of the restaurants on Mandalay Avenue when this song came on the radio.
God gave Moses extremely precise instructions for the construction of the Ark of the Covenant in Exodus 25:10-22. It was built to hold the tablets of the Ten Commandments and it represented God’s presence with the Israelites during the wilderness years. It contained three sacred items: a pot of manna bread from heaven, stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments and the rod of Aaron with a fresh bud on it. These sacred items represented the Triune God, i.e., Father (stone tablet) Son (rod of Aaron with fresh bud) and Spirit (manna).
Discussion of New Age practices vs. New Birth found in Christ.
Is a "WOW" factor experience really necessary to worship God?
Whose image is that?!
The question of God's fairness comes up when people don't understand the absolute holiness of God and the fact that we sometimes tend to put God in a box. We have expectations of how we think God should act, however God's ways are far above and beyond man's ways as written in Isaiah 55:8-9:
In Genesis chapter 6 and Numbers chapter 13, you read about the "sons of God", "giants" and the "Nephilim" and you may wonder if these terms refer to human or supernatural beings.