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King David

Created: 10/4/2024 - 2 Comment(s) Historical Evidence

In the last few decades archaeological excavations in Israel have uncovered physical evidence that supports the existence of King David and his line of Kings (1000 BCE – 586 BCE).The Large Stone Structure was discovered in August 2005 by Israeli archaeologist Eilat Mazar in the oldest part of Jerusalem (the eastern side which is known as the City of David). It is a large public building potentially dating back to the time of King David and is often considered a possible candidate for his palace because of its proximity to the Stepped Stone Structure.

large stone structure

The Stepped-Stone Structure is the largest Iron Age structure in Israel. It is built onto the side of a hill and is as tall as a 12-story building. It now seems to be part of the same building complex as the Large-Stone Structure and most archaeologists think this is clearly the palace of King David.

 stepped stone structure

 The Tel Dan Stele was discovered in 1993 at Tel Dan, which is an archaeological site in Israel in upper Galilee next to the Golan Heights. It is a 9th-century B.C. basalt slab that mentions the “House of David”.  Its pieces were used to construct an ancient stone wall that has survived into modern times. The surviving inscription details that an individual killed Jehoram of Israel, the son of Ahab, the king of the House of David (see 2nd book of Kings).

tel dan stele

The Gath Ostracon (a piece of pottery with writing on it) was discovered at Tell es-Safi in 2005 (the site of the biblical Philistine city of Gath). It dates to the Iron Age 2 period when David and Goliath lived. It contains two names on it that are similar to the name “Goliath”. 

gath ostracon

Fig. 4. Tell e §-¥âfî/Gath ostracon (courtesy of the Tell e §-¥âfî/Gath Archaeological Project)

Name-rings on the Bubastis Portal at the Karnak Temple represent the bound prisoners that Pharaoh Shishak conquered. The text “hadabiyat-dawit” on name-rings 105 and 106 translate to: “Heights or Highlands of Dawit” (House of David).

The Mesha Stele aka the Moabite Stone is a black basalt monument discovered in August 1868 in Dhiban, Jordan by missionary Frederick Klein. Inscriptions on it record the victories of Mesha, the King of Moab against the Kingdom of Israel (800 B.C.) and includes the phrase “House of David”. 

mesha stele

Many Bullae (clay seal impressions) have been found attesting to at least 5 Davidic Kings such as Uzziah, Jotham, Hezekiah, and Manasseh.

Hezekiah's seal

King Hezekiah’s Seal


Evidence for the Existence of King Solomon and His Temple

Is there any legitimate evidence to show that Solomon's Temple (957 BCE - 586 BCE) existed? Yes! Six nearly identical chambered gates have been discovered in Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer. These provide evidence that King Solomon engaged in large building projects. Copper mines have been discovered in the southern Negev region (part of Edom) which relate to King Solomon’s Temple. Excavations show that copper production in this region peaked during the 10th century B.C. This was at the same time as the reign of King David and King Solomon. Also found in this area were 10th century B.C. weaponry, a 5-meter-high fortified wall, a gatehouse and a donkey stable with ancient manure showing that the straw that the donkeys ate came from Jerusalem. 

Another piece of evidence that corroborates the Biblical narrative that Solomon had aid from the Phoenician King Hiram in the building of the first temple was the discovery of a royal sarcophagus dated from the 10th century B.C. It was discovered in Byblos and the inscription on it reads, “Ahiram, King of Byblo”.





  • TrueFaith

    Nice post!

  • NateHall885

    This would have been a really good piece of evidance for my senior research paper! If anyone were to need any historical proof of anything Biblical related, this site would most certainly be the place to go!