Category: Historical Evidence

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King David

Skeptics argue that King David is about as historical as King Arthur. They believe there are no records of his existence outside of the Bible. In the last few decades archaelogical excavations in the Holy Land have uncovered physical evidence that supports the existence of King David and his line of Kings.

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Jerusalem Temples

Is there any legitimate evidence to show that Solomon's Temple (957 BCE - 586 BCE) and Herod's Temple (516 BCE - 70 CE) actually existed? Did they exist in Jerusalem or in another city such as Nablus?

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Major Empires

Archaeological evidence has corroborated many of the civilizations and cultures described in the Bible, including the Hittites, Canaanites, Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Philistines, Moabites, Edomites, Ammonites, and Syrians. For instance, archaeologists have found that the ancient city of Ramesses, mentioned in the Biblical account of the Exodus, flourished for centuries during the second millennium B.C..

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The Trial of Jesus

Many archaeological discoveries have validated the existence of four key figures (Jesus, Caiaphas, Pontius Pilate and Herod Antipas) involved in the trial of Jesus documented in the four Gospels.  

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Was Jesus Really God?

When pondering the question of the deity of Jesus, a person may need to consider the possibility that another reality exists beyond the natural world. This is where faith comes in, reasonable, logical faith that is; not blind faith. 

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The Patriarch Period

Egyptian tablets (such as Dilbat, Mari, and Ebla) and artifacts such as scarabs and statues attest to personal names and place names found in the Patriarchal narratives.

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The Exodus Evidence

Many archaeological and textual artifacts have been discovered relating to the historicity of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt to Israel..

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Amazing Evidence!

Do you ever wonder about life's biggest questions? Do you think you have a soul? If so, what do you think happens to it after you die? Do you believe in God? If so, why, or why not?

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"How Can There Be Only One True Religion?" and "Why are you Christians so exclusive?"are questions people may ask when they consider the claim that Jesus made that He is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life".

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If God Is Good, Why Is There So Much Evil in the World?

Evil is not a thing or an entity, it is the absence of good. It is a corruption of something good; such as when a beautiful car gets marred  by rust. There is natural evil such as tornados, earthquakes, drought, etc. and there is moral evil such as infidelity in a marriage, serial killers, and mass murders.