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Conflict in the Church

The return of Jesus Christ and the setting up of His millenial kingdom are issues that sometimes causes Christians to break fellowship with other believers who believe differently about these issues than they do.

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Coincidence or Divine Providence?

Terrible, tragic things happen to good people all the time. Innocent people are killed in car accidents, wars, weather disasters, and hate crimes. When I hear of these things happening, it does seem as if God is far away and doesn't care about people at all. It seems most unfair when these things happen to people who are dedicated to Him and try to live according to His Word.

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Sharing Faith in the God of the Bible

I heard a sermon once that stressed the fact that if we truly love people we will be compelled by our conscience to tell them about the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I do feel this way, but I wonder what it looks like to actually do it. I would like to start sharing my faith more, so I started looking around for tips on how to do it.