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God and the Caananites

The conquest of the Canaanites by the Israelites in the Book of Joshua was ordered by God because of the child sacrifice, idol worship, violence, and temple prostitution that was practiced there, not because of ethnic cleansing of a people group. [1] God judged the Caananites because He had given them 400 years to stop their wicked practices (Genesis 15:13) but their depravity only got worse. God used Israel to judge the people not because of Israel's moral superiority, but because of the idolatry of the people. [2] 

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Theories on the Origin of Life

The debate between Creationism (Intelligent Design) and Evolution (Big Bang, molecules to man) continues to this day. Where did the matter in the Big Bang singularity come from? [1] 

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Are Science and Faith Compatible?

Science and faith are compatible in the sense that both are used to define and comprehend life. Many great scientists of the past were committed Christians such as: Nicholas Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Blaise Pascal, Robert Boyle, Michael Faraday, and James Clerk Maxwell. Copernicus even said: "It is my loving duty to seek the truth in all things, in so far as God has granted that to human reason."

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Who Were the Nephilim?

In Genesis chapter 6 and Numbers chapter 13, you read about the "sons of God", "giants" and the "Nephilim" and you may wonder if these terms refer to human or supernatural beings.