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Thoughts About the Afterlife

It is true that the doctrine of Hell has been preached about in the past by "fire and brimstone" preachers to scare people into "getting saved". This has caused many to believe that accepting Jesus is some sort of fire insurance, but that's not the point. The point of salvation is to restore people's broken relationship with God. If people will admit it, they sometimes feel real guilt over things they have done or are doing that violate God's rules (the 10 commandments).

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"How Can There Be Only One True Religion?" and "Why are you Christians so exclusive?"are questions people may ask when they consider the claim that Jesus made that He is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life".

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Who Created God?

God is an eternal being and whatever is eternal, transcends space and time.

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Cause and Effect

Can you imagine having a book without an Author or a building without a Builder or a painting without an Artist? Authors, Builders, and Artists are implied to exist because of the existence of their creations. God either exists or He doesn't exist. There are good arguments in favor of God's existence.