"How Can There Be Only One True Religion?" and "Why are you Christians so exclusive?"are questions people may ask when they consider the claim that Jesus made that He is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life".
Who Created God?
God is an eternal being and whatever is eternal, transcends space and time.
Cause and Effect
Can you imagine having a book without an Author or a building without a Builder or a painting without an Artist? Authors, Builders, and Artists are implied to exist because of the existence of their creations. God either exists or He doesn't exist. There are good arguments in favor of God's existence.
If God Is Good, Why Is There So Much Evil in the World?
Evil is not a thing or an entity, it is the absence of good. It is a corruption of something good; such as when a beautiful car gets marred by rust. There is natural evil such as tornados, earthquakes, drought, etc. and there is moral evil such as infidelity in a marriage, serial killers, and mass murders.