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Faith Based on Reason

Created: 7/28/2024 - 1 Comment(s) Science and Faith

These scriptures appeal to man's intellect, the fact that God has given man a sound mind" "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind". (2 Timothy 1:7). He expects us to use our minds wisely, in a way that discerns between truth and error. There is well documented evidence (see Did Jesus Really Exist?) that Jesus was a real man who lived in the first century in Israel, performed many miracles, and rose from the dead on the third day after He was crucified. I used to believe that the Bible was just a bunch of fairy-tales written by men, but over the years and after much research, I became convinced that the Bible is true (see Is the Bible true?). 

When I consider the millions of people in the world who believe in other religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Taoism, etc. I wonder if their prayers are getting answered.  I wonder if they truly feel fulfilled and have the hope of eternal life in paradise. These are very personal questions and I wonder if people of other religions find satisfactory answers to them.

My reason tells me to believe in the promises of God in the Bible and I have hope for a good future ahead: "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". (Jeremiah 29:11) My emotions lead me to believe in the God of Abraham, Isaace, and Jacob because I feel the love of God every day. He saved me from death many times when I was young and doing stupid things. He has given me joy and happiness in my marriage and in the friendships I have made with true believers. We realize that we are desperately flawed, but we have a mighty compass and example to follow in the person of Jesus Christ who we know truly loves us. My prayer is for everyone reading this blog to get to know Jesus and feel His love and compassion too.

  • NateHall885

    We walk by faith and not by sight. Many people claim to not believe the words of the Bible because they want full 100% proof evidance that the Bible is real along with everything else they believe in. With that logic, when they go to their pharmacy to get a prescription, they evaluate and study the medication they are given to fully 100% make sure that they are getting the correct thing. Nobody does that! We put faith in our pharacy to give us what we need and we also put faith in the idea that the Lord our God is real.